Genny Arrives - All is Right With the World!
Nanning, Guangxi 8:39pm
Genevieve Yu Yin Valiquet has stolen her mother's heart...she is currently sleeping soundly in my bed after falling asleep in my arms about a half hour ago..."Beautiful" and "Graceful" as her Chinese name (Yu Yin) means...
She and I first met today in the Civil Affairs office at 3pm. A Civil Affairs official came into the boardroom we nervous parents had gathered in....first she introduced all the ophanage directors and then one by one, each child and parent's name was called...They said Guo Yu Yin and the guide looked directly at me and I can truly say my heart skipped a beat as this quiet angel in the thickest pink ladybug decorated fleece outfit was placed in my arms. I was so taken back to Madeleine's and my first meeting...these huge brown eyes staring up at me and I just started talking and rocking my way around the room...
Some children's reactions was to cry, some were quiet and some were doing a bit of both. The room was a loud and jarring place to be, with flashes going off, people excited about the kids and the kids definitely not too sure about all these people surrounding them...
Genny was watching everything going on and listening to me. Her only tears came when the nannies, peaked into the back door of the room just before we left...they were checking out how the kids were doing and Genny caught sight of what I assume was her nanny...big tears came rolling down her cheeks as the nannies head down the hallway back to their orphanges...
After about 5 minutes she was back to her quiet watching and listening mode...In her fleece outfit I thought she was getting a bit hot...It's about 20 C. here and we are enjoying the tropical winter. In the conference room with the lights and people it was stuffy and with her three layers of clothing, I felt hot for her...but Chinese do love to bundle their kids so I didn't dare undress her there. Instead I put her down to walk a few steps...She did some motoring around the room...yes this girl is definitely on her feet and ready to move...walking, running and staggering with me following close behind. She knew where she wanted to go...and darted right out the door and down the hallway to follow the nannies. After recapturing my daughter, our guide announced we would be heading back to the hotel after barely half an hour to start our lives together as families.
Genny watched out of the window while we drove back to the hotel. She spent the short trip tapping the window and being facinated by the ebb and flow of traffic, bicycles, motorcycles and humanity that filled the streets of Nanning. We had one last official task - getting a family picture taken for the final adoption proceedings that will take place tomorrow morning at the Notary's office.
The next hours were a bit of a blur of walking with Genny, playing with her, Debbie and I getting the first bottle ready and into her as well as some barley/yam cereal (think pablum with a sweet taste), part of a banana, some rice crackers and goldfish crackers. After her meal(s) Debbie and I ventured to the Cantonese restaurant in the hotel for dinner...after throwing her toys everywhere and enjoying some eggs from my plate and rice from Debbie's we left with the floor a mess but Genny quite content.
Debbie did amazing work today, clicking away to capture every moment for not only me, but many other families in our group...she has over a hundred pictures, but unfortunately you'll have to wait until tomorrow for photos when we can get access to a card reader... my computer in my room here at the hotel doesn't allow me to download our camera shots with my USB cord.
I'm heading to bed...sleep seems a good idea.
Love Michelle
Genevieve Yu Yin Valiquet has stolen her mother's heart...she is currently sleeping soundly in my bed after falling asleep in my arms about a half hour ago..."Beautiful" and "Graceful" as her Chinese name (Yu Yin) means...
She and I first met today in the Civil Affairs office at 3pm. A Civil Affairs official came into the boardroom we nervous parents had gathered in....first she introduced all the ophanage directors and then one by one, each child and parent's name was called...They said Guo Yu Yin and the guide looked directly at me and I can truly say my heart skipped a beat as this quiet angel in the thickest pink ladybug decorated fleece outfit was placed in my arms. I was so taken back to Madeleine's and my first meeting...these huge brown eyes staring up at me and I just started talking and rocking my way around the room...
Some children's reactions was to cry, some were quiet and some were doing a bit of both. The room was a loud and jarring place to be, with flashes going off, people excited about the kids and the kids definitely not too sure about all these people surrounding them...
Genny was watching everything going on and listening to me. Her only tears came when the nannies, peaked into the back door of the room just before we left...they were checking out how the kids were doing and Genny caught sight of what I assume was her nanny...big tears came rolling down her cheeks as the nannies head down the hallway back to their orphanges...
After about 5 minutes she was back to her quiet watching and listening mode...In her fleece outfit I thought she was getting a bit hot...It's about 20 C. here and we are enjoying the tropical winter. In the conference room with the lights and people it was stuffy and with her three layers of clothing, I felt hot for her...but Chinese do love to bundle their kids so I didn't dare undress her there. Instead I put her down to walk a few steps...She did some motoring around the room...yes this girl is definitely on her feet and ready to move...walking, running and staggering with me following close behind. She knew where she wanted to go...and darted right out the door and down the hallway to follow the nannies. After recapturing my daughter, our guide announced we would be heading back to the hotel after barely half an hour to start our lives together as families.
Genny watched out of the window while we drove back to the hotel. She spent the short trip tapping the window and being facinated by the ebb and flow of traffic, bicycles, motorcycles and humanity that filled the streets of Nanning. We had one last official task - getting a family picture taken for the final adoption proceedings that will take place tomorrow morning at the Notary's office.
The next hours were a bit of a blur of walking with Genny, playing with her, Debbie and I getting the first bottle ready and into her as well as some barley/yam cereal (think pablum with a sweet taste), part of a banana, some rice crackers and goldfish crackers. After her meal(s) Debbie and I ventured to the Cantonese restaurant in the hotel for dinner...after throwing her toys everywhere and enjoying some eggs from my plate and rice from Debbie's we left with the floor a mess but Genny quite content.
Debbie did amazing work today, clicking away to capture every moment for not only me, but many other families in our group...she has over a hundred pictures, but unfortunately you'll have to wait until tomorrow for photos when we can get access to a card reader... my computer in my room here at the hotel doesn't allow me to download our camera shots with my USB cord.
I'm heading to bed...sleep seems a good idea.
Love Michelle
Congratulations Michelle. So happy to hear the good news. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Sounds like Genny is doing pretty good too.
Love to all,
Tim Valiquet, at 9:05 AM
All of our best love to Genevieve and Mom... and of course Debbie too.
She has touched more hearts already than she can imagine.
We await your return home safe and sound.
Love John.
plate-spinner, at 10:36 AM
CONGRATULATIONS!!! To both Mom and Genevieve for finding each other at long last. I am looking forward to meeting the newest member of the Valiquet clan. She sounds like smart, curious and lovely chld.
Oh, and hopefully you will get a good night's sleep too ;-)
Lots of Love to you all. Yipee!
Gailene (Zamira), at 10:54 AM
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