Officially Family
Nanning, Guangxi 3pm
Genevieve sleeps on the bed and mom types at the computer...both of us exhausted but happy about the proceedings this morning...
At 8:30 after a too short night, we had to head off to the Civil Affairs office again. There, the orphanage directors (3 out of 4 were women, a sign of changing times?) and the government official from yesterday held interviews with each family and then after we satisfied them that we would be good parents, approved the adoptions. All the documents are signed, stamped by my thumbprint and Genny's footprint in red ink. We are family.
I've made solemn oaths to care for her, never abandon or abuse her, to educate and love her...all things that come naturally to me but the Chinese take very seriously in their wish to ensure she has a better life than her previous one. The official's last comment to me, was for me to promise to dress her warmly... In case you don't know, the Chinese take quite seriously the bundling up of their children. Most walk around with 4 or 5 layers of clothing looking like small snowmen...This official questioned with Canada being a cold country and Yu Yin coming from the south, how would I keep her warm? I mentioned every stitch of warm clothing, hat, mitts and fleece I would dress her in when venturing outside.
Once the interviews were over, we gathered again as a group in the room with flags lining the front wall and the government official called our name, and we were presented with a red certificate of adoption, complete with our family photo inside. Each orphanage director presented parents with some small gift. Genny's gave her a shell decorated and from Beihai's famous beaches. We said thank you to each other even though I'm not sure she spoke much English and I speak zero Cantonese (the major dialect around here).
Next was the notary office. She makes all the documents official...again short individual family interviews where we promise to care and never abuse our children. Everyone is getting tired and many of our small girls just want to get out and stretch their I take Genny for a walk she pulls me out the door and heads in several directions at once...she continues to be a quiet and determined girl...I think she is going to give Madeleine a run for her money.
Genny was firmly in my arms for the majority of the morning's activities. She is definitely taken to me and every time I put her down reaches up to get in my arms again...the only person who had the magic touch and can give me a break is Debbie. She will go to Deb and looks at me making big air kisses (or fish faces, not sure which) across the space separating us or waves bye-bye. When we head off back to the bus, Genny checks to see that Debbie's following behind and not forgotten.
At lunch in the neighboring dim sum restaurant I am reintroduced to the eating experience of moving all things out of reach of lightening-quick hands or hear them crash and bang to the floor, juggling someone else's attention to so they don't destroy the table, while trying to grab a bite or two of food. Hmmm. How soon you forget.
Most of our group has gone off to Walmart for shopping this afternoon...We are purchasing some winter clothes for the orphanages as kind of an extra gift to them. All are quiet poor, but dressed the children in brand new clothes...we want to pay back the favor.
Thanks to all the family and friends following our's so surreal getting your comments half a world away, but very welcome. Like a hug from home!
I am beat and so enjoying a bit of a quiet time here at the computer while Genevieve finishes her afternoon sleep. Still haven't figured out the photos problem yet...the computers are linked to servers and no usb ports...take care, Michelle
Genevieve sleeps on the bed and mom types at the computer...both of us exhausted but happy about the proceedings this morning...
At 8:30 after a too short night, we had to head off to the Civil Affairs office again. There, the orphanage directors (3 out of 4 were women, a sign of changing times?) and the government official from yesterday held interviews with each family and then after we satisfied them that we would be good parents, approved the adoptions. All the documents are signed, stamped by my thumbprint and Genny's footprint in red ink. We are family.
I've made solemn oaths to care for her, never abandon or abuse her, to educate and love her...all things that come naturally to me but the Chinese take very seriously in their wish to ensure she has a better life than her previous one. The official's last comment to me, was for me to promise to dress her warmly... In case you don't know, the Chinese take quite seriously the bundling up of their children. Most walk around with 4 or 5 layers of clothing looking like small snowmen...This official questioned with Canada being a cold country and Yu Yin coming from the south, how would I keep her warm? I mentioned every stitch of warm clothing, hat, mitts and fleece I would dress her in when venturing outside.
Once the interviews were over, we gathered again as a group in the room with flags lining the front wall and the government official called our name, and we were presented with a red certificate of adoption, complete with our family photo inside. Each orphanage director presented parents with some small gift. Genny's gave her a shell decorated and from Beihai's famous beaches. We said thank you to each other even though I'm not sure she spoke much English and I speak zero Cantonese (the major dialect around here).
Next was the notary office. She makes all the documents official...again short individual family interviews where we promise to care and never abuse our children. Everyone is getting tired and many of our small girls just want to get out and stretch their I take Genny for a walk she pulls me out the door and heads in several directions at once...she continues to be a quiet and determined girl...I think she is going to give Madeleine a run for her money.
Genny was firmly in my arms for the majority of the morning's activities. She is definitely taken to me and every time I put her down reaches up to get in my arms again...the only person who had the magic touch and can give me a break is Debbie. She will go to Deb and looks at me making big air kisses (or fish faces, not sure which) across the space separating us or waves bye-bye. When we head off back to the bus, Genny checks to see that Debbie's following behind and not forgotten.
At lunch in the neighboring dim sum restaurant I am reintroduced to the eating experience of moving all things out of reach of lightening-quick hands or hear them crash and bang to the floor, juggling someone else's attention to so they don't destroy the table, while trying to grab a bite or two of food. Hmmm. How soon you forget.
Most of our group has gone off to Walmart for shopping this afternoon...We are purchasing some winter clothes for the orphanages as kind of an extra gift to them. All are quiet poor, but dressed the children in brand new clothes...we want to pay back the favor.
Thanks to all the family and friends following our's so surreal getting your comments half a world away, but very welcome. Like a hug from home!
I am beat and so enjoying a bit of a quiet time here at the computer while Genevieve finishes her afternoon sleep. Still haven't figured out the photos problem yet...the computers are linked to servers and no usb ports...take care, Michelle
Michelle, so glad you and Genny are together at last! I've been checking your blog every day but didn't see anything until suddenly this morning all the posts from the last week showed up. Who knows why. Genny sounds a delight and you have almost two weeks to get used to each other before introducing big sister. Hope she's well too and I'm sure you're missing her.
Playful Platypus, at 6:48 AM
oops, meant to add this...
Winter has finally arrived in Ottawa - 15 cm of snow since yesterday (15th) and cold, colc. Tristan is loving to play outside! You'll be able to introduce Genny to real winter when you get home...
All the best and see you soon, we hope.
Playful Platypus, at 6:48 AM
Hi Michelle Did not realize I could post my comments. Sounds like things are going well. Genny I am sure keeps you running. Your stories remind me so much of my time with Kiera in Nanning....I have seen Madeleine twice now. She seems to be doing well. I noticed she really liked having Lynn at her gymnastics class. She told me she would ike to come over again on sat. and finsh her necklace craft she started at Kiera's party. We only have a million beads as gifts..... I will give her an extra big hug and TLC for you. Love reading you blogs.... I tell Kiera the shortened versions of Genny's adventures and she loves it. after which she tells me continuously how she wants to be a big sister. Lets hope it keeps up and she will be jealous of Madeleine's new role.
Best wishes ..Peggy
Peggy, at 6:54 PM
Hey Michelle, we're following your journey and are so delighted for you! Can't wait to see you and meet Genny. L for the DIMR ladies.
LEW, at 7:34 PM
HeeHee... yes, how swiftly the memory lapses into euphoria. Then another little one comes along. It'll keep you hopping and young ;-)
It is blistering cold in Ottawa. -20, wind chill -31 as I type away. I had to walk home about an hour ago and the normally pleasant walk was an exercise in torture. Gawd... only 5 days ago it was warm enough to walk outside without hat and gloves. Now I need to double mitt and pull a hood over the hat.
Good thing those Chinese officials made sure you knew about dressing warmly. I hope you have sufficient lawyers for Genny to wear on the way home from the airport.
Gailene (Zamira), at 7:49 PM
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