Up and Running, A little behind!

Okay, due to popular demand....I am relaunching the blog to post and update family and friends on the crazy world that is my family life.
Since I last posted while in China adopting my second daughter Genny I can say that a few years and lifetimes have passed.
Then Genny was 15 months old quiet, clingy and wide-eyed.
Fast forward 2.5 years and she is nearly 4 years old, anything but quiet, only occasionally clingy and I'm the wide-eyed one watching my little Princess-cum-Energizer Bunny make tracks through my heart and life.
Madeleine, my older daughter, was the gentle, timid kindergarten child whose teachers' were wondering if she had a speech problem because she was so quiet in class. Now she is the soccer star, monkeybar queen, cleaner extraordinaire and math whiz who roars like a lion and sparkles her smile at her little sister and mom on a regular basis.