Journey to Genny

Monday, October 30, 2006

Waiting, wondering and worrying

Silence isn't golden...still no word from the various chatline across the globe or from Children's Bridge about referrals. My teeth are almost ground down and my consuming of coffee, chocolate and popcorn (comfort foods!) is reaching peek levels.

I specifically stayed off the internet all weekend so not as to frustrate myself more than I already am...

Instead Madeleine and I took to the outdoors, nearly blowing away in the strong winds and raked leaves. The rain has certainly added to my borderline depression these past few weeks, so I was determined to get some fresh air, even if it was frosty and in a galeforce wind on Sunday.

My little worker bee is always ready to tidy up, be it the household dust or maple leaves littering the front lawn. Kind of puts mom to shame really. Nothing beats trying to coral leaves in 90 km winds... almost as frustrating as waiting for word of Genny!

Life is cyclical!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Two waiting to be Three

My name is Michelle and if you don't already know, I am waiting for the imminent arrival of my second daughter from China. I adopted my first daughter Madeleine in Sept. 2002. Now we are anxiously, patiently, doggedly (this week I could add crankily!) sitting through a waiting process until our file is matched and released by the China Center for Adoption Affairs. We have a LID (Log In Date, for those not in the know) of August 10, 2005. Last month, the referrals were matched up to THE DAY BEFORE OURS!
I'm not bitter though.....hummmmm (that's my Zen tranquility chant going again) hmmmmm.
It helps me keep my raging emotions under control, most of the time.
So here we sit, wondering, waiting and watching the CCAA website for news. And a phone call from Children's Bridge, the adoption agency I've been working with since my first adoption in process started in 2000. Those family and friends that have supported us in this long process are what has helped keep us sane...but there are limits.
Ring phone...RING!

Referral Dance

I dance the "distraction dance" I have for the last 22 months...trying to get through another day without going crazy waiting for my Genevieve Marie to come safely to my arms...
Anyone involved in International Adoptions needs nerves of steel or a few good addictions/sins to help them through the waiting for referrals.
I've opened this blog in anticipation that my day is about to come and Genny's file is about to land in my lap along with a couple of sweet pictures.
Cross fingers and toes and follow me in the dance!